Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Trip to the Art Musuem

August 4

Since Mana has not had much of a summer, I told her that we were going to go somewhere fun that she wanted to go. She chose the Museum of Art. Yes I know, I am an art teacher and my child has never been to the Museum of Art. It is sad. She has been wanting to go for about a year now. We decided to go eat at the downtown Chick-fil-a and then to the museum. She loved the interactive exhibit. She had a great time walking through all the halls and looking at all the different kinds of art. Her favorite was the Japanese art. My favorite was the contemporary art and the children's art exhibit. I loved the glass exhibit as well. I am glad I could spend some educational and quality time with my daughter.

Pictures of the day...
"Interactive Exhibit" "My Favorite Pieces of Art" "Mana being a Statue"

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