Friday, September 12, 2008

Air Conditioning...Priceless!!!

Last night, my daughter had a hard time getting to sleep. She had some sinus problems and it kept her up all night! Around 4 am this morning, I finally just got up and went to sit in the living room. She joined me. After sitting there for a few minutes staring at each other (since we were both really sleepy) I realized that she was getting better. I gave her a fourth of a dose of Benadryl and propped up several pillows and told her to go back to bed. By 4:45 am she was asleep!! She got about 2 hours of sleep. She did great all day! I on the other hand, did not! My tiredness hit around lunch time and is still going!

I met Sherry for breakfast at Jack's. She bought mine for my birthday. Still having my birthday a week later.....priceless! :) We went back to her house and she got some of her work done so we could go shopping.

After I picked up Mana we went to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house. Brad changed the oil in my car and looked at my air conditioning! He said he thinks I have a slow leak from my wreak a couple of years ago. All I know is that I am so glad that it is working now! Thanks Brad!! No More Being Hot in Car Line!!!!! YEAH!!! Mana was so excited that she got to go and play with her cousins. We stayed for pizza and the adults watched a movie. Brad was in a super good mood. He has always had a sense of humor, but I have never seen him in this kind of mood. He was quite entertaining. We had a great night over at their house! I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful family on Brian's side! Some people don't get along with their in-laws, but mine are super sweet and fun to be around!

No picture of the day...because I am tired!

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