Tuesday, November 4, 2008

School Pictures, Voting, and a Project

This morning, my friend and I took the makeup pictures for Mana's school. There were not many of them. Just Five. Sherry had a light blue background we set up. Sherry took the pictures. They turned out really well. She loaded them up on a disk and brought them to me to change the background on them to match the bright blue that Lifetouch used. Mana's picture day was the day that we were sitting in the hospital waiting room for my Grandmother. Her school director told me that they were going to take their own makeup pictures for the yearbook. They would have to just put them next to the wall and take their picture. Uh, NO! I didn't want my baby's picture in the yearbook like that, so I asked Sherry to take them for them. Thank God she was able to take them the day they wanted them! Now those children's pictures will match the rest of them! THANKS SHERRY FOR DOING THAT FOR ME!

The 1st through 6th graders at Mana's school got to vote in their own election today.
McCain won 76 to Obama 23.

After we finished those pictures, I started on the photography project for my Church's Music Minister. I was able to take a few of the pictures needed. I will work on some more tomorrow. I will hopefully get done with them to give them to him in time for Wednesday night Church. While I was working on those shots, I got to take a few of my own that I liked!

Pictures of the day...
"I Voted"
"Mana Casting Her Vote"

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